Sunday, July 8, 2007

The New 7 Wonders of the World

100 million surfers have chosen the New Seven Wonders of the World. Was it really democracy in action? Doubtfully. Anyone could have voted a number of times, so it wasn't a "clean" vote.

Naturally, countries whose monuments weren't chosen are already complaining. Seems like a campaign that no one will be happy about.

...And the winners are:

* Brazil's Statue of Christ Redeemer
* Peru's Machu Picchu
* Mexico's Chichen Itza pyramid
* Great Wall of China
* Jordan's Petra
* The Colosseum in Rome
* India's Taj Mahal.

I never saw any of those in person. Maybe it's time to plan my new vacation. Still, thanks to user-generated content, anyone can see the New Seven Wonders, at least online.

1 comment:

Rae said...

I am thinking to visit them, too. :) It's sad that Angkor Wat, Cambodia did not win the title.