Monday, August 27, 2007

The Word on HooQs

HooQs is being mentioned and reviewed in many places over the net, and of course - we love it!!!

Here are some of the places where we were mentioned:

MobileCrunch: "...We’re following the beta launch of HooQs, which is a portal for all your video needs. The company has been partnering with various media companies for distribution of mobile video content..."

Mashable: "...With HooQs, you can create your own channels, or browse the site to watch those that have been created by others. You can add other users to your watchlist, and subscribe to each channel’s feed..." (Hebrew)

Ouriel Ohayon: "...The service is young but good enough to interest me and my friends at TechCrunch..."

inbabble: "...HooQs has made a good decision in trying to differentiate through personalization and relevance..."

msearchgroove: "...Kudos to them for working on personalization – an element many other offers have ignored entirely…"

KillerStartups: "...
HooQs makes it incredibly easy to create and share channels. It’s a good point of departure for anyone just starting to experiment with feeds, since the site is really user-friendly and not full of complicated terminology..."


michaelhweaver said...

Where is your company located? I went to the About Us section of your site and no info loaded.

Revital Salomon said...

Michael, our company is located in Israel. You can get all the info you need here: